Saturday, January 14, 2012


After a 3-week break from work, coming back has reminded me of the quirks of my job. I didn't realize how habituated I had become to word confusion, mispronunciations and generally broken conversations. Sometimes my students say things that are so grossly inaccurate that I have to imagine an alternate universe in which the entire state of Ohio will blow up if I laugh in order to slap myself serious. Honestly, there is nothing more disheartening (that's a lie) than constructing a phrase in a foreign language to the best of your ability and then a native speaker cutting you off mid-sentence to bend over in peels of laughter. So, since I spend all day holding myself back for the sake of English learners in France, I am using this post as a space to share how choppy, circular and endearing conversations with students can be.

Me: What are you doing for Christmas?
Student: I hate.
Me: You don't like Christmas?
Student: No, I will hate.
Me: You will eat?
Student: Yes.

Me: Hello Lucas and Jeremy. How are you guys?
Lucas: I am sixty years.
Jeremy: No, you are fine.
Lucas: I am not five.

Me (in the culinary class): What are you doing?
Student: I cut off the heads of pigeons.
Me: You did that??
Student: Yes and even my stomach is hurting.
Me: From cutting off their heads?
Student: Sorry, I don't understand.

Me: How was your internship?
Student 1: Yes.
Me: It was good?
Student 1: Yes.
Me: Why?
Student 1: I like the staff is good and the job is funny.
Me: What about you?
Student 2: Yes.

Me: How long?
Student: Half two hours.
Me: Two and a half hours?
Student: Ah, yes.

Me: What are you doing for Christmas?
Student: Nothing, I don't can't went.

Me: Was it hard?
Student: Yeah.
Me: Really, it was hard?
Student: No.

Me: What was your uniform for work?
Student: Brown weapons.
Me: Aprons?
Student: Yes, weapons.

Me: Why did you go to the shopping center?
Student: For buy clotheses.
Me: To buy clothes?
Student: Yes, for to buy clotheses.

Me: What did you do this weekend?
Student: I slept and nothing.
Me: That's cool.
Student: Yes, it's peace and love.

Me: Did you enjoy your internship?
Student: Yes?
Me: You enjoyed it?
Student: I don't know?
Me: Did you like your internship?
Student: Ah, si, ah, yes, yes.
Me: Why?
Student: Why?
Me: Yes, why?
Student: Yes?
Me: No, why?
Student: No?
Me: Why did you like it?
Student: Ah, yes, I like it, yes.


  1. These are wonderful. Your laugh resistance is a superpower.

  2. Oh my goodness! These are priceless. I especially love, "Yes, weapons." Ha ha ha ha. Caitrin and I were remarking that we can hear your fake French on English accent when we read these dialogs. :) Miss you.

  3. These are classic, Joho. So glad you wrote them down. I've been on both sides of this. Remember my "cinquante frances - cing enfants" story? Ask your mom to retell the "Continente" story. You're students are lucky to have you. Tu me manque.

  4. Oh my, I'm in pain I'm laughing so hard. These are wonderful! I have no idea how you can keep a straight face! Love Brooke

  5. Welcome to my world, ha ha ha! Shevawn

  6. Hilarious. I can relate. Share more of these snippets! Convo I had today:

    Lady: khensan, when you are taken as a wife, you must... Something something.
    Me: what did you say? Huh? When? I'm not married.
    Other lady: she doesn't understand
    Me: no, when I am taken... What do I do?
    Lady: Yes.
