Saturday, April 28, 2012

Floating Around

Laura is back in Vichy! She's been here for the past three weeks, greatly increasing my daily intake of chocolate.

Shortly after Laura got back, I went to Montpellier with Cambray, in the south of France.

Cambray in sunlight. 

Fountains in Montpellier reminded me of Italy, but the architecture was like Paris.

Then I went to Moulins, a small town a half-hour north of me.

French alleys.

I was there with one of the English Teachers at the high school and another English assistant. Those huge boards were the menus. 

There they are! We also went to the costume museum behind them.

The day after Moulins I headed up to Paris to take a plane to London. After making it to my hostel around 10pm, I woke up three blocks from Kensington Palace.

Crazy crowd for the changing of the guards, which apparently happens four times a week. 

Classic London? Do I have the right to make that claim?

Two Thumbs Up

Proof that I was there.

Favorite Street.

Those outdoor perch-bars were all over.

Obligatory photo

Bourrough Market, located beneath train tracks.

And my heart grew three sizes.

For Liz, who loves tea-ware, and my family, who loves tea. Located in Portobello Market.

Lunch at the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Then I went to Edinburgh, Scotland. 

And the mix of old with new blew my young, American mind.

I arrived at my hostel at night and this dark alley was twinkling and historical.

Happened upon this plaque and had a stroke.


Lunch at Harry's birthplace.

Sitting where JK sat, looking at what JK looked at.

I could have slept in this bathroom.

My favorite message was "Thanks for giving me my favorite place in my mind!"

From the ceiling of Scotland's National Museum.

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In St. Andrews!

At an A Cappella show at the University with my host, Sophie, and two other students.

At the beach.

Ruins of a cathedral in the background.

From the top of a tower.

St Andrews, the town, cemetery, university buildings, and the green in the distance.

Stopped in Paris after Scotland to see Sonam for a night.

Got some crepes in Montmartre.

Then came home to eat pizza, watch Lion King 3D in french, and then watch a super sad film in Laura's bed.

Some of my students! These guys loved the idea of living in England for a year, but most of them want to stay in this region when they get older.

This class loved black eyeliner and claiming that all the different Whiskeys taste like beer to upset the Catering teacher.

Me with three of my colleagues.

I spent a lot of time discussing McDonald's and sports with this class; they felt a lot of affection for both. 
One of my favorite chefs, whenever she didn't understand me she said "AH PUTAIN! M'AIDEZ!" (oh fuck! help me guys!" 

These ladies spoke good English and liked talking about life outside of school.

He had me take this photo three times because he wanted to look "very serious."

The Chef teaching the flock.

One of my colleagues asking questions in English.

Staff Lounge

Last day with my mailbox.


  1. Love all the photos, Joho--the amazing places you visited, seeing you with friends, colleagues, and students, all the good food. So happy for you!

    The one pic of the alley in Edinburgh made me think of Ian Rankin--then I came across the plaque about him and JKR. Very cool. I've read two of three of Rankin's novels. Very gritty and well written.

    Great blog. You did a great job with it. I'll miss it!

